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Information about Svishtov

Svishtov Properties

The town of Svishtov is situated on the bank of the Danube at its southernmost point 250 km northeast of Sofia. The city is protected by a small mountain formation, which determines the mild climate in the area throughout the year. In the vicinity of Svishtov there are also hot mineral springs.
The municipality is situated in the northern part of Veliko Tarnovo district. With its area of 625,321 km2 it occupies the third place among the 10 municipalities of the area, which makes up 13.41% of the territory of the district. Its boundaries are as follows:

to the east - Tsenovo municipality from Rousse district;
to the southeast - Polski Trambesh municipality;
to the south - Pavlikeni municipality;
to the west - Levski municipality from Pleven region;
to the northwest - Belene municipality from the Pleven region;
to the north - Romania.

The predominant relief of the municipality is flat and slightly hilly. Its territory falls entirely into the Middle Danube Plain. To the north, along the Danube River, there are two lowlands: to the west of the town of Svishtov - the eastern part of the vast Svishtov-Belene plain, and to the east of the town - the smaller Vardim valley (25.7 km2). Here, on the bank of the Danube, at the 538th kilometer is also the lowest point of the municipality - 17 m above sea level. The rest of the municipality is occupied by the hilly eastern parts of the Middle Danube Plain. In the western part of the municipality from the south to the north extends the northern part of the so-called. Suhindolsko-Svishtov basalt mounds. In the region of the villages Slomer and Chervena the mounds Chervenska (217 m), Slavova (213 m), Dve mogili (228 m) and Trite mogili (243 m), and in the region of Dragomirovo - Dragomirovska hills (243 m) and Pchellenova (246 m), the highest point of the municipality, located to the north of the village.

Within the municipality, part of the right bank of the Danube falls from 539 to 560 km (from the mouth of the river). The other two bigger rivers in the municipality are the Barata river, flowing through its entire flow through its western part and flowing into the Danube River in the town of Svishtov, at 555 km. In the south-eastern part of the municipality, along the villages of Gorna Studena, Aleksandrovo, Alekovo, Hadjidimitrovo and Sovata passes the middle course of the Studena River (left tributary of Yantra).

In the village of Ovcha mogila there is a mineral spring with a temperature of 45 ° C and has an increased content of chlorine, sulphate, sodium, calcium and fluorine compounds. In the established balneological establishments are treated diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological, gynecological, gastrointestinal, liver-biliary and others.

Number and share of ethnic groups according to population census in 2011

Total 42 734
Bulgarians 34 855
Turks 2 233
Gypsies 238
Other 125
They do not identify themselves
Did not answer 5 138

Svishtov municipality has a temperate continental climate. According to the climatic zoning of the Republic of Bulgaria, Svishtov municipality falls into the Nordic climate region of the Danube Plain.
The climate data from Svishtov Station reflect the main meteorological parameters characteristic of the hilly-like nature of the Municipality and in particular for the town of Svishtov.

Due to the great openness of the Danube plain, during the cold part of the year uninterrupted continental air masses from the north and northeast invaded uninterruptedly, as a result of which the winter was relatively cold.

In temperature terms, the measured average temperature in January, which is the coldest month of the year, is around - 1.8oC. In normal cold winters average monthly temperatures fall to -14.1 ° C. During the cold half, the lowest measured temperature is - 28.0 ° C. In general, the first negative temperatures occur in November and are maintained until March. The average daily air temperature is 0 ° C during the first days of December and the last days of February. In the middle of March it rises above 5 ° C and follows a smooth sine wave that has a maximum in the summer months. In July - August, average temperature above 23 ° C and may reach 35 ° C. The absolute maximum air temperature measured over this half year is 43оС, with the average maximum summer temperature reaching 29.1оС.
The total annual rainfall reaches 543 mm. Their internal distribution is characterized by a well-pronounced maximum in May-June, which can reach 104 mm per day and at least in September when rainfall reaches a minimum value of 41 mm. The average winter rainfall is about 20% of annual rainfall and is the smallest. The first snow cover is formed in early December. The number of days with snow cover reaches about 40 days. During normal winters in January the average height does not exceed 20 cm.

Svishtov emerges on the site of the Roman and early Byzantine stronghold of the port center, Nove. In the Middle Ages it was known as the name of Glassen, and later as Sistovo, which is a transcript of Svishtov. The nickname comes from the word "candle", because in the first centuries of Ottoman domination there were several huts that lit the river ships at night. Around these huts is formed today's city.

During the Renaissance, Svishtov became a port trade center and a starting point for goods from and to the interior of the Ottoman Empire. Economic upsurge also influences cultural life in the city. There are schools, churches and new houses. Many Revival figures work here. Svishtov was the first city liberated by Turkish slavery in late June 1877.

Svishtov and its surroundings have been inhabited in different epochs of different civilizations and to date more than 120 archeological, artistic and architectural monuments remain. The rich historical museum of history is considered to be one of the oldest in Bulgaria and the ethnographic museum will reveal the customs, customs and culture of Svishtov. Other landmarks are the house museum of the great writer Aleko Konstantinov, the churches "St. Dimitar "- 1640," St. Peter and Paul "1644," St. Trinity "- 1876, Clock Tower - 1760. Many Renaissance houses are also interesting.

About 4 km east of the town of Tekirdere, where the Russo-Turkish War of Liberation began, there is a large memorial park named "The Monuments". Nearby are the Kaleto locality, where are the remains of the ancient town of Nove and the Medieval town of Sklelene, as well as the area "Pisani stani". 10 km away from Svishtov is the third largest Bulgarian island in the Danube - Vardim, which is a nature reserve.

As a well-designed tourist center, Svishtov has many hotels and cozy restaurants with appetizing cuisine. The city is connected to the Republican rail and road network and the Danube River is a natural waterway.

Svishtov Properties