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"Green" emphasis

"Green" emphasisRecently the topic of green architecture is the latest fashion and it becomes the latest designer clothes on the construction stage, even in Bulgaria. Concepts of green or sustainable architecture can be applied to all types of buildings - from major industrial complexes, which consume much energy and resources to small houses, where one finds its comfortable and affordable home.

One of the most reasonable applications of sustainable solutions is undoubtedly in the office buildings where people spend most of their time and need a comfortable microclimate.

Essential part in the design of green office buildings is the location of the building and securing it with public transport, bicycle alleys, good pedestrian access and sufficient parking.

Although green solutions are still something new and consequently cost considerably more expensive than conventional systems, Bulgaria already has implemented the first sustainable office buildings. beds after the buildings were finished, the article said, but the infrastructure would not be able to cope with this amount of tourists.