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Pleven prepare EU projects for historical tourism

Pleven will develop cultural and historical tourism project, which will be invested over 6 million. Mayor Nayden Zelenogorski said that the idea will be implemented jointly by regional and municipal administrations.

The project, which will be financed with European money, including restoration and renovation of monuments and parks in the Vit River on the west entrance of Pleven.

Provides a new architectural solution is the "ground floor" of the protected area Kaylaka Park and construction of a new approach for visitors to the ancient fortress Storgozia found in the park.

The area around the architectural and artistic complex "Panorama Pleven Epic 1877 will also become a more attractive place for recreation of residents and tourists said Zelenogorski.

With the help of the Ministry of Agriculture is to recover state property around the panorama to implement the project, said the mayor.